1.5 hectare site is allocated for development
A village near Braunton could get 20 new homes next to a former landfill site.
A developer called Warwick wants to build the properties, including six affordable homes, at Chadwells in Knowle.
A 1.5 hectare area (the size of about four football fields) mainly bordered by fields, is allocated for housing and would be accessed from a junction with the A361.
The developers says is allowed for a “spacious layout” with the homes expected to be two-storey properties with private gardens, open play space and new cycle and pedestrian routes. It claims the plans align well with housing objectives set out in the Braunton Neighbourhood Plan.
Planning agent Debbie Polkinghorne said it will provide “high-quality residential housing that meets the needs of the local community while respecting and enhancing the local environment.”
A consultation period for people to submit views on the planning application to North Devon Council runs until Wednesday 27 November.