Area has around 1,400 carers under 25
It is believed thousands of people under 18 in Torbay are caring for an adult or family member and consequently may be missing out on school or a normal social life.
The issue was raised by cabinet members of Torbay Council on Tuesday as they discussed a report: ‘Torbay Young Carers Under 25 Strategy.’
The council says it is difficult to know the exact number of young people caring for family members but estimates are based on figures by the Children’s Society which suggest the UK has around 800,000 Young Carers under 18.
These statistics indicate Torbay has at least 1,380 young carers. Many will be doing 50 or more hours of unpaid care a week.
However, with some areas of Torbay suffering deprivation and the correlation between deprivation and caring, the number is likely to be higher.
Data nationally suggests, of children aged 11 to 15, 27 per cent often miss or have difficulties at school due to their caring responsibilities.
Katie Chivers is a young carer looking after several members of her family has now become a young carers service worker. She told cabinet members it impacts on every aspect of life, including school.
“It really affects a lot of young carers; the fact that they’re not getting the same education that other people are,” she said.
She explained that there were times she would forget her PE kit or ‘food tech’ ingredients because her focus is on making sure she didn’t forget medication for the person she was caring for.
“It’s very difficult to communicate that with someone who just cannot physically understand what you are trying to explain to them.
“And some teachers just don’t get it and it can cause you to misbehave.
“I was terrible at school, leaving early and jumping the gates because I had to go and pick up my brother.
“And they just didn’t understand but it’s so hard to explain to them when you don’t want everyone to know every detail of your life.
“It becomes very difficult just to be in school.”
Torbay launched its first combined strategy for young carers under 25 in 2012, bringing together plans for young carers under 18, and young adult carers aged 16 to 25.
Cabinet members discussed how the strategy will continue with its multi-agency approach over the next three years.
Torbay Council, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust and Torbay Youth Trust – together with their partner agencies – provide joined-up support services for young carers and their families.
The aim is to ensure Torbay’s young carers and young adult carers are protected from inappropriate caring and to have access to additional support they may need to help them stay safe, healthy and able to achieve success.
A report on the ‘Strategy for Young Carers under 25’ states that it will ensure young people with caring responsibilities are identified as early as possible by awareness in all services that support children or their parents.
All agencies say they hope to acknowledge reward and support young carers in their roles within the families.
The report also highlights the need for families to work closely with other agencies to minimise inappropriate levels of care by young people.
The strategy will regularly review and audit of the services and listen to the views of young carers in order to develop priorities specific to young carers under 25.