Authority thinks it could raise £70k
A contractor would run patrols across Torquay, Paignton and Brixham with the power to issue on-the-spot penalties.
The scheme is outlined in the council’s budget for the financial year from next April.
The plan is listed under proposals for service change, income generation and efficiencies.
The budget consultation document says: “We are proposing establishing an environmental enforcement service which will lead to improved levels of cleanliness across Torbay, with income generated through contracting with an external provider.”
The service could raise an extra £70,000 a year from a contractor given the powers to issue fines for offences such as littering and dog-fouling.
The plan is in the document which reveals spending on children’s services in Torbay is set to rise by £9.8million next year to a total of £47million.
That figure includes £2.8million for improvements in the statutory service which is working to change its inspection rating from ‘inadequate’ to ‘good’ by April 2021.
The ruling partnership of Liberal Democrats and Independents which took control of the council after elections in May says children’s services are its top priority despite the financial challenges facing the council.
Leader Steve Darling said: “We’ve got the second highest number of children being taken into care in the country, second only to Blackpool.”
He said that was a sign of the high levels of poverty in Torbay and added: “By investing in that service we’re hoping we can begin to get a firmer grip on it.”
The budget document says the council needs to find £10.5million of savings and new income over the financial year from April 2020.
The council’s core government funding has dropped from £42million in 2013 to £6.5million next year.
The budget document says the council will increase the cost of annual parking permits and is planning to introduce a charge for household DIY waste such as plasterboard, rubble and asbestos at the recycling centre in Paignton.
Other changes include investing £500,000 in public toilets at Meadfoot, Broadsands, Goodrington North, Abbey Meadows and Preston Bus Shelter, in addition to the new toilets at Preston Beach Central, funded by closing the toilets at Preston North and South, and Goodrington South.
The toilets at Corbyn Head would close if there is no third-party redevelopment proposal, and talks are under way with a contractor to take over the toilets at Fishcombe.
Grass-cutting by the council is expected to be less frequent, and flower planting will be prioritised in areas of “strategic value” to tourism. The council will work with community groups to maintain other planting areas.
Next year’s budget includes £100,000 each to maintain Oldway Mansion at Paignton and Torre Abbey at Torquay.
There will be a new £250,000 Community Enablement Fund to cover the set-up costs of transferring work such as planting flower beds to partner groups.
Looking farther ahead, the authority is facing the need for more savings and income generation to cover an estimated shortfall of £10million between 2021 and 2023.
That means the council will consider moving to three-weekly landfill waste collections and introducing an optional paid-for kerbside green waste collection.
It will also start looking at alternative ways of funding services including libraries and seafront illuminations, and subsidies and grants to theatres, museums and events like the English Riviera Air Show.
The draft budget shows the council’s investment fund with spending so far of £250million is due to bring in more than £5million to help pay for services next year.
A new contract with Parkwood Leisure to manage the Riviera Centre at Torquay will save the council £250,000.
Taking over the waste collection service after the end of the contract with TOR2 should save almost £1million.
The council’s leadership was hoping to set up town councils in Torquay and Paignton to raise extra money, but the idea was rejected by eight to two in public consultation earlier this year.
The proposed total spending of £116million would see the council tax bill rise by the government limit of 3.99 per cent, including 2 per cent for adult social care.
The budget proposals were published for consultation on Tuesday, December 17.
Feedback will be considered before the final budget is set by councillors at the end of February.
What people end up paying will only be known after the budget is finalised and the share of the bill for the police and fire service is added.