Goes out with blade on Tuesday. Goes to prison Thursday.
A Torquay man's starting a 12-month prison sentence after going out with a blade on Tuesday night.
Police were called to what had earlier been described as an aggravated burglary - one where threats are made or violence used - in Upton Hill in the town at 8pm. It was reported that a number of people had broken into the property and threats made to harm. Following nearby searches, three arrests were made.
In court on Thursday, Tony Hawkins, 25, of Belgrave Road, Torquay pleaded guilty to two counts of being in possession of a bladed article in a public place and one count of having an air weapon when he wasn't allowed to do so. He was sent to prison immediately to serve 12 months.
A 29-year-old woman and a 19-year-old man who were arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary have been released whilst investigations continue.