Just days left to apply for grants
Plymouth residents have a just a few days left to apply for funding for home improvements such as insulation, solar panels and better heating controls.
The Future Fit scheme, a partnership between the city council and the Plymouth Energy Community (PEC), has already arranged for the distribution of £4 million of central government cash to about 300 homes.
The latest round of funding closes on Friday and people are being asked to check if they may be able to eligible.
If they are, they won’t have to pay towards the cost of installing measures which provide the best energy performance certificate (EPC). However, landlords will have to make a contribution.
Applicants have to be homeowners or people living in privately rented accommodation with a yearly income of less than £30,000.
Conservative councillor for Eggbuckland and cabinet member for climate change, James Stoneman, said: “I’m delighted that so many households have been able to take advantage of this fantastic scheme.
“I’d urge anyone who would like energy improvements to their home to check their eligibility to find out if you can receive this grant funded support to make your home warmer and more cost efficient to heat.”
If applicants meet the eligibility criteria the work will not be undertaken by PEC. Under the scheme, Plymouth City Council pays local installers for the works they complete.