Collections no longer free from April
Council bosses in Plymouth have been quizzed about garden waste collections ahead of moves to charge residents up to £49 for the service.
It comes after the city council confirmed it would introduce a fee for the currently free service to help manage a £37.6m shortfall in its budget.
The opt-in chargeable waste service will come into force next April. But it has now emerged that residents hoping to take some waste to Chelson Meadow Recycling Centre will face fees which had previously been scrapped.
Leader of the Independent Alliance and councillor for Compton, Nick Kelly, wrote to Plymouth’s service director for street services, Philip Robinson, questioning details of the waste services.
Mr Robinson confirmed residents would need to register and make a payment in advance to qualify for a discounted rate of £39, rather than the full fee of £49 which increases in line with inflation. He also confirmed the garden waste collection service would only run from April to November.
Cllr Kelly also asked about charges at Chelson Meadow; a move reversed when he was the leader of the council.
Mr Robinson said: “Charges for non-household waste are being re-introduced at Chelson Meadow and the start date is still being finalised.
“The charges will be the same as they were in 2021– soil and rubble will be £2.40 per bag or item, plasterboard £6 per bag or sheet and bonded asbestos £11 per bag/sheet.”
When Cllr Kelly asked whether he accepted the new charges would be likely to lead to an increase in fly-tipping, Mr Robinson suggested he was not overly worried.
“We think it’s very unlikely that a resident who has previously dutifully registered for the service will suddenly become an environmental criminal and illegally fly-tip to avoid charges or a trip to the recycling centre,” he said.
The introduction of charges for garden waste has been criticised by many residents who claim it is an additional charge on top of council tax.
The period for registering for the discounted ‘early bird’ rate has not yet been announced.