Discussions started back in 2012
A long-awaited development of socially rented homes in Princetown will be submitted for planning approval next month.
Nine new properties are proposed for two adjacent plots at Hessary/Moorland View – one owned by West Devon Borough Council and one by Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA).
The sites are being combined following discussions between the two authorities which began in 2012.
Progress stalled for many years but DNPA recently confirmed that it would provide its land, a former storage depot, at no cost and delegate responsibility for development to the council.
DNPA has also put £175,000 into the project from money received from developers when 15 homes for pensioners were built in Chagford 11 years ago. It has to be spent on affordable housing by a deadline in August.
The council’s ‘hub’ committee will submit a planning application to DNPA, which is the planning authority.
The council intends to make an application to the Brownfield Land Release Funds (BLRF) to assist with infrastructure costs, roughly £10,000 per home, and work with a housing provider to deliver the scheme.
Hub committee members supported the project but want a legal agreement binding the developer to replace any of the properties that are subsequently sold, as has happened in other parts of the borough.