Exeter and Cranbrook gets fitter
A project funded by Sport England to get people in Exeter and Cranbrook fitter is asking people to share moves!'
Live and Move wants the city and town, with a combined population of 133,000 people, to move a bit more to get fitter and improve wellbeing.
Its new campaign, #ShareYourMoves, aims to start conversations about what makes it easier to move more.
James Bogue, who leads the initiative, said: “Physical activity has been talked about for a long time now as a kind of ‘miracle cure’. There’s no doubt that moving more can improve quality of life, and if you find the right way for you and your lifestyle it’s also really enjoyable. We all need some fun as we are moving out of lockdown for the last time.
“Our message to people is to move in ways that fit the way you live, that’s what makes a habit sustainable. We’re excited to share stories of how people in the Exeter and Cranbrook communities are living and moving as we head towards summer!”
Councillor Duncan Wood, lead councillor for leisure and physical activity on Exeter City Council said: “Getting more active isn't necessarily about buying a bike you won't use or jogging kit that stays in the wardrobe. It's also about increasing how active we are in our day to day life.
"Take the stairs more, park further away, get off the bus a stop earlier, take a short walk during lunch break, just a few ideas. There are so many great ideas, it's about small changes that can make a real difference.
"The Live and Move programme is about helping us to become more active to help us feel better and enjoy life more. The #ShareYourMoves campaign is a great way to join in – let's share the ideas for the changes that we have made to move more. Let's show what physical movement and activity means for people in Exeter".
You can join in by posting your thoughts, challenges and ideas on social media, using the hashtag #ShareYourMoves and tagging Live and Move.
You can also post or comment on the Live and Move social media pages – or even get in touch with Live and Move to become a storyteller. You might #ShareYourMoves for one of the blogs or videos, or your thoughts and ideas might be shared on social media!
Get in touch at hello@liveandmove.co.uk