And there's a Sunday too this year
Devon County Show organisers say it's unlikely they'll have tickets left on the gate when the event goes ahead at the beginning of July.
Although numbers of people allowed in may only be modestly reduced from usual, plans are being put in place to ensure a covid-safe environment for visitors. Covid marshalls will patrol the Westpoint showground across the three days to monitor crowd density and ensure crowds don’t build up in particular areas.
Advanced ticket sales are already up 600 per cent on the same time two years ago, when the show last ran. The 2020 event was cancelled because of the pandemic.
This year's county show runs from Friday 2 to 4 July, Friday to Sunday, a change from the traditional Thursday to Saturday pattern.
Devon County Show manager Sam Mackenzie Green says: "People recognise that they do need to book in advance, as we may not be able to offer on the gate sales this year in order that we can monitor numbers and record track and trace information to comply with government health and safety guidelines for outdoor events.
"Our showground spans 83 acres, excluding car parks, and in fact has the capacity to accommodate close to our usual numbers even with social distancing in place. We need to encourage our visitors to make use of the entire site, so are planning to spread attractions and activities right across every corner of the showground.
We don’t know at this stage whether there will be any on the gate tickets but with the way things are going it is looking unlikely."