Exeter unites following synagogue arson
Exeter's religious leaders, the city council and the police have joined together to call for greater community cohesion - following an attempted arson at Exeter Synagogue at the weekend.
A man's been charged and the police want people to stop speculating about it and let justice take its course.
The Synagogue says the police responded brilliantly and they now want to demonstrate the positivity of the city. Its president Richard Halsey says: "We live in a wonderful city that has demonstrated tolerance and support for each other at times of need."
Exeter Mosque has offered its full support too, saying it's shocked at what has happened "but events such as this should not change our view that we can and should all respect religious beliefs in peace."
And the Bishop of Exeter, the Right Reverend Robert Atwell's appealed for Christians to stand in solidarity alongside Jewish neighbours and people of all faiths.