Proposals have gone to the Government
Teignbridge District Council confirmed that it has submitted its draft revised Air Quality Action Plan for the seaside town to Defra.
Cllr Sylvia Russell, portfolio holder for health and well-being, though told councillors though that any major improvement to Bitton Park Road, where air pollution is present in the air in quantities that can have adverse effects on people’s health, is unlikely to be deliverable.
Cllr David Cox had asked for when a plan for a targeted set of actions to tackle the annual levels of NO2, which are significantly in excess of targeted values, would be revealed, as this remains an area of concern for Teignmouth
In response, Cllr Russell said: “I can confirm that the draft AQAP has now been submitted to Defra for technical consideration. The draft plan has a more realistic 25 measures when the original plan contained 98 measures, and while these are only in draft format, officers are using these as a working draft.
“When this plan is returned, I have asked officers to bring a report to overview and scrutiny so members can consider the options, and updates will continue to be provided to members.
“While the response of Defra is not within my control, I would be disappointed if they did not respond before the end of the year.”
She added that work has been ongoing to mitigate the impact of any new development in Teignmouth, but stated: “Officers have spoken to Devon County Council and unfortunately the current view of the team is that technically any major improvement of Bitton Park Road that might improve air quality is unlikely to be deliverable.
“The factors are due to side road access, business, mature infrastructure, limited space, pedestrian crossings and frontage developments.
“This places more importance on the measures within the control of Teignbridge to ensure the new development does not increase exposure to poor air quality or contribute to an increase in nitrogen dioxide levels.”
The 25 measures that are contained within the draft AQAP are listed below, but a council spokesman said that they were generic and ongoing which will allow specific projects to be developed.
Promoting low emission transport
1 Electric Car Charging points
2 Eco Stars
Alternatives to private vehicle use
3 Park and Change Opportunities (buses)
4 Park and Change Opportunities (trains).
5 Car Clubs
Traffic Management
6 Reducing speed limits to even traffic flow
7 Reducing congestion by investigating viability of traffic flow changes
8 Targeted Anti Idling campaigns
Promoting travel alternatives (to reduce exposure)
9 Incentivise active travel
10 Cycle routes to schools and colleges
11 Health impact assessments, promoting alternate routes reduce levels of exposure
12 Travel Plans: Workplace / Green / School
Vehicle fleet efficiency
13 Low emission busses and taxis
14 Fuel/emission efficiency systems
15 Promote advanced driving courses
Policy guidance and development control
16 local planning & development process to avoid or limit new exposure
17 Ensure that local air quality impact is an integral part of the Councils Sustainable procurement Guidance
Public information
18 Informed “Real Time” travel decisions
19 Educational information at car parks
20 Provide and promote evidence based information on the Councils website
Freight and delivery management
21 Freight management (Distribution Centre)
Transport planning and infrastructure
22 By pass for Wolborough Street
23 Bringing forward new cycle networks and pedestrian infrastructure
24 Increasing or reducing availability of car parking
25 Green Streets Walls and Trees