Torbay's team gets abused most days
A civil enforcement officer had his car vandalised while he was at work in Torbay. He returned from a parking patrol to find the vehicle covered in black paint and dented, councillors heard.
In another incident, an officer received a shocking tirade of foul-mouthed abuse and threats outside a school when they approached a car parked on double yellow lines.
The car vandalism was reported to councillors by Torbay Council’s director of place Kevin Mowat. He said: “That is completely unacceptable and atrocious behaviour. This is the sort of thing that these key members of staff are having to put up with.”
He echoed a call from the council’s head of parking Susie Hayman for a clear message to go out to the public that verbal abuse, threats and assaults would not be tolerated.
Ms Hayman told councillors: “A civil enforcement officer went up to a vehicle and a passenger got out and was very abusive and very threatening. People around were very shocked at the behaviour and language, bearing in mind this was outside a school.”
Ms Hayman said officers received verbal abuse on most days, and were also being threatened and attacked. The head of parking said: “It is an unusual day if they are not sworn at or abused in some other way. Recently we are seeing civil enforcement officers physically assaulted.
“We need to provide a clear message of zero tolerance of all incidences of verbal abuse and threatening behaviour. This is a team of hard-working people who are sons and daughters, and fathers and mothers, undertaking their role for their employer, which is Torbay Council.”
Ms Hayman said incidents were reported to the police and video from body-worn cameras could be used as evidence.
Enforcement patrols resumed outside schools when pupils returned as lockdown restrictions were eased.
Ms Hayman was giving an update to a Torbay Council scrutiny committee carrying out a review of parking enforcement. Committee chair Karen Kennedy said: “We need to make it very clear to the public that we will not tolerate this, and action will be taken.”
Councillors heard civil enforcement officers are equipped with body-worn video cameras which are only switched on if there is potential conflict. The council has a zero tolerance policy on parking on double yellow lines outside schools for safety reasons.
Councillors heard that the enforcement team received many requests from schools to tackle the issue. The council also runs a park and stride policy, allowing parents and carers to use nearby car parks to drop off and collect children.
Ms Hayman said there was a problem in dealing with persistent parking offenders and fine evaders. In one case, a motorist was parking every day in contravention of restrictions and so far had amassed 130 fixed penalty notices.
One option was to remove their car but that could be expensive, and talks were taking place with other Devon councils about a joint approach.