Over 1,500 took part
A record number of supporters stepped up for their local hospice charity in the thirteenth annual Men’s Walk.
Over 1,600 people took part in Men’s Walk on Saturday 15 March, raising over £125,000 for Hospiscare.
The event sold out in record time, and the support from the community has resulted in Men’s Walk exceeding the million-pound mark for the event’s lifetime.
The sponsored charity walk took place at Double Locks, Exeter, as well as locations chosen by participants taking the ‘Your Way’ option. Pints and pasties were kindly provided by Exeter Brewery and Chunk of Devon after walkers had completed the 7-mile route along Exeter’s picturesque quayside.
Wilkinson Grant, who have sponsored the event for 12 consecutive years, entered a team of 20 to take part in this year’s record-breaking event.
Hospiscare supporter, Chris Musgrave, joined Men’s Walk for his sixth consecutive year, determined to march to a million in memory of his mum, Jackie.
Chris said, “I’m very fortunate to have so many friends and family supporting me – there’s 20 of us taking part this year.
“Knowing that we’ve hit that million for Hospiscare, I’m absolutely buzzing. I couldn’t be prouder to be a small part of it for such an amazing charity.”
Cornwall Glass Branch Manager, Nick Madden, lead a team of employees on the walk and raised an incredible £700 on the day of the event. He said, “A big thank you to all our families, friends, colleagues and customers who supported us again this year, helping to raise over £700 for Hospiscare. Together, we can make a difference.”
Hospiscare’s Senior Events Fundraiser, Martin Stokke, says “Men’s Walk continues to grow each year thanks to the unwavering support of local people and businesses. In a challenging financial climate, the success of Men’s Walk 2025 is truly vital in funding our specialist services.
“A huge thank you to the volunteers who made the event possible, and to everyone who went the extra mile by raising crucial funds for their local hospice.”