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Devon County Council to inject £1m into troubled services

Ofsted found it had been "too slow"

The inspection carried out by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission in December, concluded Devon has been ‘too slow’ in implementing national reforms that came into force in 2014.

They placed a duty on local authorities to lead on integration arrangements between health services, social-care provision and education for children and young people with SEND (special educational needs and/or disabilities).

This resulted in too few children and young people having an education, health and care (EHC) plan that meets their needs and aspiration, the report said.

The SEND Inspection identified four areas where accelerated progress needs to be made and the council’s cabinet when they meet on Wednesday are being asked to approve the investment of £640,000 to pay for 14.2 full time equivalent employees and a one-off investment of £378,000 for 8.5 full time equivalent employees in 2019/20 and £58,000 for 2020/21 to help secure the improvements required.

The report of Chief Officer for Children’s Services, Jo Olsson to the cabinet, says: “The reforms to the SEND system introduced by the 2014 legislation were the right ones, but they have placed significant additional financial and administrative pressure on local authorities.

“We know that we are on the right path because Ofsted and CQC have confirmed this to us and have affirmed that the actions set out in the WSoA are acceptable to them. The additional investment sought, coupled with that by the CCG and that for Children’s Social Care, will ensure we are better able to meet the needs of children and families and that the reinspection will not result Government intervention in Devon.”

The SEND Inspection identified four areas where accelerated progress needs to be made, the report states.

They were:

  • Strategic plans and the local area’s SEND arrangements are not embedded or widely understood by stakeholders including schools, settings, staff and parents and carers
  • The significant concerns that were reported about communication with key stakeholders, particularly parents and families
  • The time it takes to issue Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) and the variable quality of these plans. Plans do not consistently capture a child and young person’s needs and aspirations so that they are a valuable tool to support the planning and implementation of education, health and care provision to lead to better lived experiences for the child and their families
  • Weaknesses in the identification, assessment, diagnosis and support of those children and young people with autism spectrum disorder

The proposal is to invest in the 0- 25 team as when Devon is re-inspected in about 18 months there is an expectation that the four key areas identified for accelerated improvement will have been fully resolved.

Five roles would help young people support, including those with autistic spectrum conditions and complex needs, prepare for adulthood, six would help deliver more timely Education, Health and Care Plans and 3.2 roles would increase capacity across children’s services.

For the temporary roles, one would be a Transformational Change SEND officer, four would be in the Eclipse team, three Quality Assurance Manager posts would be created, and there would be a part time Designated Social Care Officer would be hired.

The report of Mrs Olsson adds: “This investment will have a positive equalities impact. Many of the children and young people with SEND and/or involved with Children’s Social Care will meet at least one of the protected characteristics in the Equalities Act. Children with SEND and those involved with Children’s Social Care are often more vulnerable to poor public health outcomes. Investment in this area will promote better public health outcomes for a vulnerable group.”

The cabinet meets on Wednesday, July 9th, to discuss the investment.


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