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Devon based Apprentice competing for national success

Thomas Rowe, of Screwfix, is amongst 10 finalists for a prestigious award ceremony held in London

The stage is set! Thomas, 18, a trainee joiner from Paignton, is amongst just 10 finalists selected in this year’s Screwfix Trade Apprentice competition. He will now battle it out at the national final, competing for the chance to be crowned Screwfix Trade Apprentice 2019 and win a career boosting £10,000 trade bundle.

This year, finalists have been selected for their sheer passion for their trade, innovative ideas and showing how they are already going above and beyond the call of duty for their colleges, employers and customers.

The finalists will all head to central London to meet with a panel of judges from Screwfix and key trade bodies. The winner will take home a fantastic £10,000 trade bundle including a brand new Macbook Air and accessories, Google Home, £5,000 worth of Screwfix products and most importantly, £3,000 funding for future training and courses. 

Thomas, who studies at South Devon College, said: “To win the competition would be such an achievement. To be named Screwfix’s number one Trade Apprentice and win the prize money would allow me to build a workshop in my garden to further develop bespoke joinery skills. I am a huge admirer of Sashimono, a traditional Japanese craft of wooden furniture where pieces are put together without the use of nails or any other holding materials. It would be a dream to learn Sashimono first hand in Japan.” 

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