More than 100 candidates are standing
The final list of candidates for Torbay’s May local elections is confirmed.
More than 100 candidates will compete to claim seats across Torbay’s 16 wards, with a total of 36 up for grabs.
The same number of candidates are from the Conservative party, while 37 are representing the Liberal Democrats.
Labour has never performed well in Torbay, and has just five candidates.
There are 19 Green candidates, 13 Independents, and three from the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. The Workers Party of Britain has one politician in the ballot.
Here is the list of candidates in full:
Barton with Watcome (3 seats):
Damian Barton Conservative
Kim Brook Conservative
Steve Darling Liberal Democrat
Mike Fox Liberal Democrat
Gary Hunt Labour
Bjorn Lauer Independent
Swithin Long Liberal Democrat
Mick Tait Green
David Watkins Conservative
Churston with Galmpton (2 seats):
Adam Billings Conservative
Karen Kennedy Independent
Dan Reed Liberal Democrat
Dennis Shearman Liberal Democrat
Richard Spreckley Green
Alan Tyerman Conservative
Alan Wyatt Green
Clifton with Maidenway (2):
Maggi Douglas-Dunbar Liberal Democrat
Cat Johns Liberal Democrat
Sue Kenning Green
Peter Middleton Conservative
Iain Palmer
Cockington with Chelston (2):
Nicole Amil Independent
Andrew Barrand Conservative
Julie Brandon Independent
Alistair Brierley Liberal Democrat
Daniel Clemence Labour
Jimi Neary Green
Mark Spacagna Conservative
Hans Winheuser Liberal Democrat
Collaton St Mary (1 seat):
Martin Brook Conservative
Katherine Oliverio Liberal Democrat
Kate Prendergast Green
Ellacombe (2 seats):
Jermaine Atiya-Alla Liberal Democrat
Anne Brooks Conservative
Paul Moor Workers Party of Britain
Yannis Nicolaou Liberal Democrat
Melodie Ripley Conservative
Hazel Robertson Green
Furzeham with Summercombe (3 seats):
Robert Bagnall Green
Paul Corcoran Liberal Democrat
Ben Davis Liberal Democrat
John Fallon Green
Andy Ford Liberal Democrat
Dave Fordham Liberal Democrat
Paul Greenwood Independent
Jason Hutchings Conservative
Bob Hyde Independent
Michael Roseveare Independent
Hannah Stevens Conservative
Jackie Stockman Independent
Andrew Strang Conservative
Goodrington with Roselands (2 seats):
John Fellows Conservative
Sara Palmer Green
Tom Pentney Liberal Democrat
Steve Radford Labour
Hayley Tranter Conservative
King Ash (2 seats):
Neil Cussons Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Beth Dring Liberal Democrat
Eddie Harris Labour
Davina Luther Liberal Democrat
Neil Rolfe Green
Jackie Thomas Conservative
Yvonne Twelves Conservative
Preston (3 seats):
Bob Cross Liberal Democrat
Sophie Downs Green
Dave Law Liberal Democrat
Barbara Lewis Conservative
Chris Lewis Conservative
Dean Rollings Liberal Democrat
David Thomas Conservative
Roundham with Hyde (2 seats):
Daniel Boatwright Conservative
Chris Carter Liberal Democrat
Jane Hughes Green
Nigel Penny Liberal Democrat
Alan Whytcock Conservative
Shiphay (2 seats):
Ann Ashworth Liberal Democrat
Josh Barrand Conservative
Darren Cowell Independent
Mark Dent Independent
Stuart Gale Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Fiona Hess Liberal Democrat
Rob Loxton Independent
Katya Maddison Conservative
Kurt Napper Independent
Jenny Stoneman Green
St Marychurch (3 seats):
George Darling Liberal Democrat
Hazel Foster Conservative
Jenny Giel Green
Roger Heath Conservative
Paul Jones Conservative
Ras Virdee Liberal Democrat
St Peters with St Marys (2 seats):
Steve Bryant Conservative
Dave Fordham Liberal Democrat
David Giles Liberal Democrat
Poppy Hopkins Green
Stephen Linley-Shaw Green
Anna Tolchard Conservative
Tormohun (3 seats):
Olivia Bath Labour
Helen Boyles Green
Mandy Darling Liberal Democrat
Robert Excell Independent
Michelle Goodman Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
Cordelia Law Liberal Democrat
Brian Lownds-Pateman Conservative
Nick Pentney Liberal Democrat
Denise Sinclair Conservative
Robert Summers Conservative
Wellswood (2 seats):
Pamela Bagnall Liberal Democrat
Richard Boyles Green
Dennis Brewer Liberal Democrat
Nick Bye Conservative
Patrick Joyce Conservative