Council apologises
South Hams District Council has apologised to residents who suffered from a shambolic rollout of the new recycling service.
The scheme, which aimed to increase recycling rates, was introduced in March, but has been plagued with issues, and around 15 per cent of collections each week are not being made.
FCC Environment (UK), the contractors responsible for waste collections, have presented South Hams with a plan to put things right.
But councillors continue to express dissatisfaction and insisted the contractors take steps to fulfil their obligations and report their performance to the executive on weekly.
Cllr Keith Baldry, South Hams District Council’s executive member for the environment said: “I am still very concerned about the level of service that we have been giving the public in some parts of the South Hams. As the lead member for waste and recycling, I take responsibility for that. It is not good for the image of the South Hams and it has been going on for too long.
“I would personally like to apologise to the public on behalf of South Hams District Council, for all of the distress and inconvenience that you have experienced.
He added: “However, I remain deeply let down by FCC’s failure to roll out the kerbside service effectively. We therefore demanded that FCC give us a plan to put this horrendous situation right. They have now given us that plan and we have meticulously scrutinised it.
In the short term, 26,000 residents will continue to have their recycling sorted at the kerbside into the new vehicles, while 11,000 residents will have their recycling sorted at a local sorting facility and 8,000 residents will remain on the clear and blue sack system for the time being.
A statement from FCC said that they continue to focus its efforts on rectifying the issues that it has experienced in rolling out the new recycling service.
It added: “We would like to once again apologise to affected residents and we understand how frustrating it has been for those who we are still struggling to reach. We are continuing our efforts to reach all those who have so far been without a service.”
They say they are facing significantly higher volumes of recycling than either FCC or the council anticipated and a shortage of qualified LGV drivers.
Subject to final approval and agreement with the authority, their interim plan will see: