Mid Devon asks for views
Accompanied by a picture of a snarling dog, Mid Devon District Council has issued a request asking residents whether a dog ban due to expire this October should be extended. It wants to go further too, with a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) intending to reduce anti-social behaviour arising from dogs in particular areas, and allowing a £100 fine or prosecution.
The plans have four main objectives. To:
- prohibit dog fouling in all “open air” areas;
- require dogs to be on leads in named:
- cemeteries;
- parks, or;
- when requested by an Enforcement Officer or Police Constable;
- exclude dogs from named play areas, and;
- limit the number of dogs walked at a time by one person.
Mid Devon's deputy leader and cabinet member for the environment Councillor Luke Taylor says: “This order will allow our officers to deal more effectively with anti-social behaviour from dog owners, by making it easier to tackle dog fouling in public spaces. It will also look to have dogs on leads in all public spaces in Mid Devon, thus ensuring the safety of all users. It’s important to note that the purpose of the order is not to stop residents exercising their dogs in our open areas, but to ensure they can be used safely by all.”
An online survey has been setup for residents to have their say at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PMYQZGF.