You can now upload footage of traffic offences
Devon & Cornwall Police has created an online tool to allow members of the public to upload dashcam of road traffic incidents which they have witnessed.
Chief Inspector Adrian Leisk, head of Alliance Roads Policing, said: "We have been receiving complaints from members of the public about dangerous and anti-social driving for some time, and there is a significant demand for a facility such as Operation Snap.
“It allows us to effectively deal with digital footage and photos of traffic offences in a safe and secure way, whilst making the investigation process simple and straightforward for the police and members of the public.
"Devon & Cornwall Police has a determined and robust approach to policing the 13,670 mile road network in our force area and will take every opportunity to make them safer for everyone.
“Operation Snap is just such an opportunity as it increases the likelihood of the dangerous, careless or inconsiderate driver being caught. Driver education or penalties applied because of evidence submitted to Operation Snap helps to modify driver behaviour."
The secure portal can be accessed via the force website: www.dc.police.uk/opsnap
The public are urged to read fully the extensive question and answer section on the website before uploading digital material, and also to remember the following:
- The secure form is for traffic offences, it is NOT for submitting footage of road traffic collisions or any other offences, or for parking issues.
- They must be able to provide the registration number of the offending vehicle.
- They should be prepared to sign a witness statement and possibly give evidence in court.
- Statements for Operation Snap can only be accepted from persons aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 the incident should be reported by email to 101@dc.police.uk
Police and Crime Commissioner Alison Hernandez, the national road safety lead for the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, secured £100,000 from the Department for Transport to roll the programme out across 12 forces in England and Wales.
“Operation Snap brings together two of what I think are the most powerful tools we have in the fight against crime – new technology and the public,” she said.
“We have the largest police force area in England, and although we’re increasing police officer numbers as fast as we can, our officers can’t be everywhere. I know that there are thousands of motorists, cyclists and riders out there who are sick of having their lives and the lives of others put at risk by dangerous driving and I’m delighted that they can now play a fuller part in bringing dangerous drivers to book.”
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall is fitting dashcams to its three vehicles as part of its commitment to the scheme.