Homes would've been built near Wolborough Barton
The scheme, submitted by PCL planning on behalf of the Rew family for land at Wolborough Barton, included a new primary school, employment land, community facilities, including a day nursery and a health centre, a local shopping centre, play area, allotments and a multi-use games area, as well as a link road connecting the A380 and the A381.
The land is allocated for development in the Local Plan, but Teignbridge District Council’s planning committee this morning (Tuesday 12th February) rejected the plans to develop the site.
Planners had recommend the outline scheme, which would have also seen the existing agricultural buildings at Wolborough farmstead, next to St Mary’s Church, converted into a 14-bedroom boutique hotel, restaurant and bar, be approved.
There had been 350 objections to the application, compared to just one letter of support, and many of them, including those from Newton Says No, had gathered outside the council offices prior to the meeting.
Concerns over how the scheme would impact of the South Hams Special Area of Conservation, the lack of early delivery of the link road, and the inadequate protection for the Wolborough Fen led to the scheme being unanimously thrown out.
Sam Watson, a professional ecologist on behalf of the Wolborough Residents Association and Abbotskerswell Parish Council, said that there were significant fundamental flaws in the application over the unproven impact on the South Hams Special Area of Conservation, the impact on Greater Horseshoe Bats, and the Wolborough Fen SSSI.
Local resident Paul Sampson spoke against the plans, and said: “I am baffled as to why the committee is being asked to approve an application that so lacking in detail. They are asking for permission for a £300m development and then asking officers and developers to solve the requirements at a later date.”
He said there were three issues why the application should be refused, those being the lack of a legally enforceable masterplan for the site, that the application cannot deliver the link road at an early stage, and that officers are being asked to give outline permission and then sort out the details later.
Mr Sampson said: “I hope you make the make the right choice today and refuse this basket case of an application.”
Cllr Jackie Hook proposed that the application be refused as the application lacked so much. She said that the lack of protection that this provided for the Wolborough Fen SSSI, the need to get the Wolborough Development Plan in place, and the lack of a habitat regulation assessment that had not been provided.
She said: “Everything with this is wrong. The number of houses, the layout, the form. I don’t accept even where the houses are as we don’t know the mitigation will be required. To make a decision today risks a legal challenge and I strongly recommended that this is refused.”
Cllr Lisa Mayne said: “This application raises a lot of red flags. The area is beautiful and in an ideal world would stay like that forever. But we don’t live in an ideal world and we have to make sure that any development is fit and proper and at the moment I cannot support this.”
Cllr Colin Parker described the land as quintessential countrywide and that if approved, the outlook of residents would go from rolling green hills to a concrete jungle. He said: “This farmland and countryside would be changed forever if this goes ahead. Wildlife would be affected and it cannot be truly mitigated, especially within the Fen.”
Cllr Dennis Smith said that he had concerns as to how it impact upon the surrounding areas until the Link Road is built and that the application would change the setting of St Mary’s Church too excessively.
Cllr Alistair Dewhirst said that he was unimpressed that landscape features were being taken on for development to take place, while Cllr Mike Pilkington said: “We cannot just sit by and watch the destruction of the environment,” and Cllr Mary Colclough added: “This has been rushed through and is premature. There are so many questions that need answers to.”
Rosalyn Eastman, the Business Manager Strategic Place for the council said that the council could defend the application at any subsequent appeal on the grounds that insufficient information that this will not have an adverse impact on the South Hams SAC, the scheme does not provide the delivery of the link road that allows the sustainable community to be established as provision at an early stage is vital and that there is currently no adequate mechanism in place to secure the section 106 contributions and therefore contrary to the Local Plan.
Despite her advice that it could be dealt with by a condition, councillors added a fourth reason for refusal, that being that an inadequate approach for the protection of Wolborough Fen from unacceptable harm had been taken.
Councillors unanimously rejected the application, but were warned that it may be academic as an planning inquiry will take place in March on a duplicate application that would see 1,275 homes built on the land. If the Planning Inspectorate allows the appeal, then the applicants would have outline permission to develop the land, and Ms Eastman said the likelihood was that the appeal would be allowed.
Officers had recommended the scheme be approved, but that the scheme is not complete enough to recommend an approval without caveats and had said that an appropriate assessment under the Habitat Regulations must be carried out prior to approve being granted.
There were also 17 conditions that the applicants must have complied with before plans for the new hotel at Wolborough farmstead can be approved, and 23 conditions they must have met before the outline housing plans can be approved, but the report said: “There is no overarching policy reason why the principle of this application cannot be supported.”
The committee disagreed, and the 13 members unanimously agreed to refuse the plans.