They're only five and three!
Two young cousins are aiming to complete a mile of Exmouth seafront to raise funds for the RNLI
The MayDay Mile challenge is named after the mayday call - the most urgent plea RNLI lifesavers receive. Now the RNLI wants residents to help them raise funds for the charity, especially this summer, expected to be a 'staycation' season, with possibly more people getting trouble in the water, or being cut off by the tide, or pets falling over cliffs. They attend all kind of emergencies.
Two youngsters, three-year-old Ivie Simkiss-Cowtan from Exeter and her cousin Isla Cowtan, five, from Worcester, are taking part in the fundraiser on Sunday 30 May, just ahead of the next bank holiday. They'll start and finish at the lifeboat station, where donations can be taken on the day.
They've already raised £500, but want more people to come along to cheer them on their way.
Ivie's father Ricky Cowtan said: “The lifesaving charity has always been one close to my families heart and the girls always love seeing the lifeboats at Exmouth when we’re on the seafront. So I thought it would be an excellent way to raise funds and a nice thing for the girls to do.”
Ivie and Isla have a fundraising page at: https://themaydaymile.rnli.org/fundraising/ivie-simkiss-cowtans-fundraising-page