A "feathered-edge" to Exeter, it's claimed
A new “green and leafy” eco-housing development with up to 150 homes could be built at Stoke Hill in Exeter.
If plans are approved, Parkland Valley Village would be built on green fields next to Mincinglake Valley Park, featuring ‘community infrastructure’ including a farm shop/café, orchards and renewable energy production.
While the proposed site is 10 hectares, developer McMurdo Land Planning and Development Ltd says almost half of this will be set aside for open space as part of an “intention to create a new ‘feathered’ edge to Exeter.”
A variety of homes are proposed “to meet local needs with appropriate proportions of each housing type and tenure.” They would be two storeys high, with some single-storey structures such as outbuildings and garages. The final mix and affordable allocation would be agreed at a later stage.
New pedestrian and cycle routes to Exeter are proposed through Mincinglake Valley Park, as well as to Mile Lane to the east. The planning statement says the “emphasis has been on achieving an accessible low traffic, low speed, walkable, and cyclable, urban village neighbourhood.”
It added: “This forward-thinking proposal represents the epitome of sustainable development, promoting a unique culture change towards green technologies and infrastructure, eco-friendly modes of transport and a focus on community living.
“The vison looks to disrupt conventional housing delivery through innovative and sustainable building and development that recognises the importance in the preservation of our planet and generating wealth for all (carbon zero).”
However at the time of writing, all but one of the 20 public comments on the application were objections. One resident said: “There are brownfield sites available closer to the city centre without covering another green field site with development.
“This site is adjacent to a valued nature reserve which is used by many residents for recreation purposes. It would spoil the views currently enhancing this part of Exeter and surely impinge upon the outline of the city by creating a visible sight of development on the north ridge.”
The site plan for Parkland Valley Village, Stoke Hill, Exeter (from planning documents)
Another objector said: “We have sufficient brownfield sites in Exeter to avoid destroying our greenfield areas and the environmental impact that that entails.
“There is also insufficient road infrastructure on Stoke Hill for increased traffic, and no public transport provision to that area so people would have to use cars. The local school is already over-subscribed so there is no room for further families/children. Please reject this application.”
But the one person supporting said: “I completely disagree with building homes in the city centre when there is land available for building elsewhere. In years to come, there will be no city centre to visit to shop. All the shops will have gone bankrupt.”
Last month councillors rejected controversial plans for up to 93 new homes on another greenfield site in the north of the city near Beacon Heath beause of concerns over their impact on the landscape and setting.
Speaking at the planning committee meeting, council leader Phil Bialyk (Labour, Exwick) said: “I am totally committed to saving the hills around Exeter, as I have said. They are so important to us. It is an important amenity space. We have to protect it for the residents of Exeter.”
The Parkland Valley Village application will be decided on at a later date.