Anne-Marie Morris wants MPs to have more say
Newton Abbot MP Anne Marie Morris has called for MPs and peers to be given more of say on the new coronavirus measures that are impacting both the lives of constituents, both physically and economically.
The Conservative backbencher says it makes "no sense at all" to apply the same restrictions in the south west as in the north, particularly given the south west has the lowest infection rate and has suffered the worst economic impact.
She said that while she would fully support any proportionate measures to keep our community safe, parliament should have further scrutiny over the measures imposed by the government. She added that while she supports the sentiment behind the Brady amendment – which aims to give parliament a vote on any measures under the Coronavirus 2020 Act – she doesn’t support it due to technicalities.
The MP said: “While we all understand the intended purpose of these restrictions and lockdown, we need to remember it also has a significantly detrimental impact on people’s mental and physical health, on the ability of children to receive a proper education, and on countless individual livelihoods.
“Along with other MPs I am lobbying for any restrictions to be proportionate to the risk – and to consider non-covid related health factors. The risk is inevitably a bit of guess work supported by some science. Comparing the coronavirus activity in other countries and assuming the same pattern will emerge here is not appropriate for so many reasons – our cultures are different, our geographies are different, we count infections and deaths differently – and I could go on.
“Similarly, it makes no sense at all to apply the same restrictions here in the south west as in the north. We have the lowest infection rate – and have suffered the worst economic impact.
“This virus is now endemic in the community – and we have to learn to live with it. Even a vaccine isn’t full proof protection. Social distancing and hand washing are sensible with a severe outbreak. After that people need to use their common sense. However many rules you have, those that either don’t care or don’t agree will flout them. Law doesn’t make people good – it just enables you to punish them. It is impossible for the police to enforce these new laws even with the military taking over some of their other duties.
“Where there is an issue currently is scrutiny or, rather, lack of it. Scrutiny of government is a vital function of any legislature and it is right that, where possible, Governments have to seek approval from MPs to proceed with legislation, as is the case with all primary legislation, such as when they passed the Coronavirus 2020 Act."