'I think this is a wonderful thing'
A new project to build homes for local people in the centre of Newton Abbot has been given cash backing by Teignbridge Council.
Its executive committee pledged more than £142,000 for the next phase in building at Sherborne House.
In August the council gave itself permission to build a block of badly-needed apartments on the site of the town’s old bus station in Kingsteignton Road. There will be 23 new social rent apartments in three and four-storey blocks.
The development will be low-carbon, accessible to all and almost vehicle-free. Existing social housing tenants who want to downsize and free up much-needed larger family homes will be invited to apply for the one and two-bedroomed properties,
Priority will be given to applicants with a connection to Newton Abbot.
The money will prepare the project to go out to tender to a development partner who will do the building work.
Committee members were enthusiastic about the project. Cllr Gary Taylor (Lib Dem, Kenton and Starcross) said: “This is a very well-designed building. It is hitting the spot absolutely.”
Cllr Linda Goodman-Bradbury (Lib Dem, Dawlish NE) added: “I think this is a wonderful thing.”
Cllr Richard Buscombe (Lib Dem, Bradley) said it would help meet Teignbridge’s high demand for single-bedroomed properties, and may encourage some people living in larger properties to switch.